Question: what's the correct way to represent arrays and objects in a URL query string?...
What's an "/open" page? An /open page is a page where a startup or product shares their me...
Last week on Twitter, there was a small argument on my "second-degree" network about commenting code....
If you're like me, you've heard a lot of people say things like "you shouldn't mutate state!" and tal...
This is not a post about Node.js' testing frameworks, assertion libraries or mocking libraries like J...
Writing better addresses for the Web
Redux is a great tool for managing state in complex frontend apps. Is it possible to extend this to the server?
When you’ve got to go it alone, how do you make the most out of it?
This article was originally written for Bit. Throttling and debouncing are two widely-used techniques to improve the performance of code that gets ex...
I've thought about this before, but recently I got triggered to write this, thanks to this image:...
Update: I've since revamped my site, moving on from the terminal design, but you can find that versi...
Have you ever had to implement some tricky business requirement that involved on a multitude of condi...